ottParticles Example : Creating and using particles

This examples demonstrates how to create and use different kinds of optical tweezers toolbox (OTT) particles. The code for this example can be found in the examples directory, if OTT has been added to the path, run:

open examples/ottParticles.m

A live script is also available for this example:

open examples/liveScripts/particles.mlx

This example assumes the toolbox has been added to the Matlab path, for information, see adding-ott-to-matlabs-path.

Creating a particle with a simple geometry

OTT particles encapsulate the geometry, optical scattering and fluid drag information for a particle in an optical tweezers simulation. There are several ways to create particles, the simplest involve using the FromShape methods of the particle classes. These methods use the corresponding FromShape methods of the drag and T-matrix classes, however care should be taken when using large or complex particles, as these methods may not always give good approximations for the input geometry. The following create a shape and encapsulates it in a particle:

% Generate a geometric shape (units of meters)
shape = ott.shape.Sphere(1e-6);

% Create a particle
% For the T-matrix method, we need to specify relative index and wavelength
particle = ott.particle.Fixed.FromShape(shape, ...
     'index_relative', 1.2, 'wavelength0', 1064e-9);

We can visualise the particle using the surf method, this simply calls the shape’s corresponding surf method:;

Creating a particle with custom properties

Particle properties don’t have to be related: this is useful when there is no available method for modelling the drag or scattering of a particle, or when we want to visualise the shape using a simpler geometry.

To create a particle with custom properties, we can use the Fixed sub-class and provide our own T-matrix, drag and geometry. This class simply stores the provided properties.

For instance, we can create a particle instance with the geometry of a cylinder, T-matrix for a spheroid, and drag for a cylinder:

% Create geometry
wavelength = 1e-6;
shape = ott.shape.Cylinder(wavelength, wavelength);

% Create drag using FromShape
drag = ott.drag.Stokes.FromShape(shape, 'viscosity', 0.001);

% Create T-matrix for spheroid.
% There are several T-matrix methods included in the toolbox, Smarties
% works well for spheroidal particle.  This example creates a spheroid
% with similar dimensions to our Cylinder.  T-matrix methods use distance
% units with the dimensions of wavelength (particle/beams use meters).
index_relative = 1.2;
tmatrix = ott.tmatrix.Smarties(...
    shape.radius ./ wavelength, shape.height ./ wavelength, index_relative);

And then we can store these properties in a particle instance:

particle = ott.particle.Fixed(shape, 'drag', drag, 'tmatrix', tmatrix);

Translations and rotations

Similar to beams, particles have rotation and position properties which can be used to control the position/rotation of the particle.

Both rotation and position can be directly set, for example:

particle.position = [1;0;0]*wavelength;

And properties can be adjusted using the translate/rotate methods. As with beams, the rotate/translate methods return a copy of the object:

new_particle = particle.rotateY(pi/2);

We can see the effect of these operations by generating a surface plot with the surf method:;

For additional example, see the rotation/position part of the ottBeams Example : Creating and visualising beams (ottBeam.m) example.

Calculate optical scattering

Particles can scatter beams (when there is an appropriate T-matrix definition).

For this example, lets use a Gaussian beam:

beam = ott.beam.Gaussian();

And instead of only calculating the external fields, we can also calculate the internal fields by passing 'internal', true to the particle constructor:

shape = ott.shape.Sphere(1e-6);
particle = ott.particle.Particle.FromShape(shape, ...
    'internal', true, 'index_relative', 1.2);

Not all T-matrix calculation methods support calculating internal fields. The T-matrix method that is used depends on the geometry (for this case, a sphere, the internal method should give fairly accurate results).

To calculate the scattering, we can use the scatter method:

sbeam = beam.scatter(particle);

The scattered beam stores an instance of the particle and the incident beam, allowing us to easily visualise the internal and external fields, for example, the following outputs the fields shown in [TODO]:

sbeam.visNearfield('axis', 'y', [1,1]*2e-6);

Calculate forces

Force can be calculated either directly using the force method of the scattered beam or using the force method of the incident beam. With the scattered beam:

force = sbeam.force();

And, with the incident beam:

force = beam.force(particle);

With both methods, the resulting force has units of Newtons. The incident beam method has the advantage that we can also specify a 3xN array of positions or rotations to apply to the particle, these replace any existing particle translations/rotations:

positions = randn(3, 5)*1e-6;
forces = beam.force(particle, 'position', positions);

Additional force calculation examples are provided in the ottForce Example : Calculate and visualise force (ottForce.m) example.

Further reading

The Advanced examples section shows how the particle class can be used for various tasks including dynamics simulations.

T-matrices cannot be calculated for all shapes, but if the particle is homogeneous and small enough to simulate, it should be possible to compare the scattering by the T-matrix to the scattering directly with DDA, giving an estimate for accuracy.

DDA should work with most shapes, but this hasn’t been thoroughly tested, if you find something interesting, let us know. For inspiration with creating different particle shapes, take a look at the ott.shape reference section and the shapes used in the examples/packageOverview examples.