Getting Started

This section will guide you through installing the toolbox and running your first toolbox commands either through the graphical user interface (GUI) or on the command line.


There are several methods for installing the toolbox. If you are only interested in using the latest stable release of the toolbox, the easiest method is via the Matlab Addons Explorer. Alternatively, you can download a specific release from the OTT GitHub page. The following sections will guide you through installing the toolbox and verifying that it is on the Matlab path.

Installing via Matlab Addons Explorer

The easiest method to install the toolbox is using the Matlab Addons explorer. Simply launch Matlab and navigate to Home > Addons > Get-Addons and search for “Optical Tweezers Toolbox”. Then, simply click the “Add from GitHub” button to automatically download the package and add it to the path. You may need to log-in or create a Mathworks account to complete this step.

Using a .zip or cloning the repository

The latest version of OTT can be downloaded from the OTT GitHub page. Either select the “Code” button near the top of the screen and select your preferred download method, or navigate to the release page and select the .zip file for the desired release. Alternatively, you can clone the git repository directly. There are a range of online tutorials for getting started with git and GitHub, for example If you downloaded a .zip file, you will need to extract the files to somewhere on your computer before proceeding.

Next, you need to tell Matlab where to find OTT. To do this, simply run


Replace the path with the path you placed the downloaded toolbox in. The folder must contain the +ott directory and the docs directory. If you downloaded the latest toolbox from GitHub, the final part of the pathname will either be the repository path (if you used git clone) or something like ott-master (if you downloaded a .zip file). The above line can be added to the start of each of your files or for a more permanent solution you can add it to the Matlab startup script.

Verifying the installation

To verify that the toolbox can be found by Matlab, type

help ott

into the Matlab command window, which should display the contents of +ott/Contents.m if everything installed correctly. If you have multiple versions of the toolbox installed and you wish to check which version is currently active, you can type

what ott

Using the graphical user interface

The toolbox includes a graphical user interface for many of the most common tasks. The user interface applications are located in the ott.ui sub-package. The easiest way to launch the graphical user interfaces is via the Launcher app. To start the Launcher, simply run the following on the Matlab command line (after the toolbox has been installed):



Update the how to cite text in the Launcher (and finish launcher)

Using the toolbox functions

The toolbox contains a collection of functions and classes for performing a range of optical tweezers related simulation tasks. Different tasks, such as simulating drag or describing geometric shapes, are split into different sub-packages. Details about these sub-packages can be found in the Reference section or a short list will be printed to the screen when you run help ott. Within each package are either functions, classes, or other sub-packages which further group functions/classes based on their purpose. For example, the beam sub-package contains several classes for generating beams. In order to create a new beam instance you can either use the class constructor or a suitable static method (if provided). For example, to create a new Gaussian beam you would call either the Gaussian or FromNa method of the Gaussian class, for example

beam1 = ott.beam.Gaussian()
beam2 = ott.beam.Gaussian.FromNa(0.9)

In both cases you need to prefix the class name with the package name. If you intend to use a range of methods from one package, it is possible to import that package using

import ott.beam.*

Except for static functions (such as the FromNa method above), most class functions cannot be called without an instance of the class. For example, all ott.beam.Beam object implement a function called efield which calculates the electric field around the coordinate origin. In order to use this function you need to first construct a valid beam object (for example, using the Gaussian or Gaussian.FromNa methods above). The following example shows how to create a new Gaussian beam and calculate the field near the origin with the efield method.

beam = ott.beam.Gaussian()
E = beam.efield([0;0;1e-6])    % Calculate field near origin

The examples directory includes multiple examples demonstrating various features of the toolbox. To get started writing your own code, we recommend that you start by working through the examples and reading the Examples section of this manual. To get help on a specific method or class, you can either type help <name of method> or lookup the method/class in the Reference section of this manual. For further information on using Matlab packages and classes, refer to the Mathworks OOP documentation.